Classic Cuban cigars are smokes that have been produced and enjoyed for decades, and still deliver exceptional smoking experiences despite current fashions for different sizes or flavor profiles. They are iconic cigars for various reasons. Here are five classic cigars that everyone who loves habanos should have a chance to smoke.
Punch Punch
Once among the most elite cigars in the British market, a top pick of gentlemen and gentry. It still delivers wonderful flavors and style, fresh and smooth. It’s popularity spiked again in the 1990s. Great spice, cedar and floral character. Feminine and beautiful.
94 points.
Montecristo No. 2
Long associated with comedians and tycoons, this “pirámide” (“torpedo”) remains a rich and flavorful smoke with a great draw–good indoors and out. Full-bodied, with intense walnut, milky coffee and sweet tobacco character. Long and flavorful aftertaste.
97 points.
Romeo y Julieta Churchill
This full, rich, and lengthy classic (7 inches by 47 ring gauge), named after its biggest fan, delivers lots of character and power. Loads of spice, earth, coffee, and nuts. Smoke it outside, even at the beach.
95 points.
Montecristo No. 4
Once the most popular Cuban cigar in the world, and now edged out by thicker cigars, the No. 4 is still classic for a high quality, quick and satisfying smoke. Plenty of spice and cedar character. Full and flavorful, yet it’s fresh and intense.
93 points.
Cohiba Corona Especial
Fidel Castro’s favorite back when he smoked, still an iconic and refined favorite, with class and elegance. Very fine and fresh with cedar, nutty and tobacco character. Medium body, clean and creamy. Lots of subtle flavors.
94 points.