This is a phenomenal cigar still. It was boxed the year the cigar was launched, 1998. As I wrote in the past, this cigar was originally the special gift that Fidel Castro gave away and only came in unmarked boxes of 100 sticks.
Cigar Brand: Trinidad
I have been a long time fan of this long and elegant cigar. In fact, I still have a few boxes of the original release from 1998.
This has always been a go-to smoke for me and it is good just about anytime, with the exception of outside in a breeze!
Great potential in this Trinidad just released at the 2016 Habanos Festival. For now the dark wrapper dominates much of the character with coffee bean and spice character.
92 Points|$8.3 CUC
Cigar Review: Trinidad Vigia
This is a thick and chewy smoke with lots of cedar, wet earth, nuts and coffee. Spicy. Full and so flavorful.
94 Points|$4.6 CUC
Cigar Review: Trinidad Reyes
It has a lot of spicy flavors, but it is very refined. I love the floral character. It takes on this intense espresso character. I love it.